Monday, November 9, 2009

This was on October 31, 2009. I do not have a picture of the spider i killed but i found a video of one in Irag and it looked the same so i will attach the link for the youtube video.

Here's the story:

So I killed a nasty bug last night that i assumed was a spider but did not look at it closely. Then today another one of the same bugs ran across Haley's foot while watching Friends. So i decided to look it up and discovered the lovely beasties we've been killing are camel spiders also know as wind scorpions or sun spi...ders. i will attach a link with a picture and another page with info about them. Definetely killed it in the spur of the moment yesterday then freaked out later....

Here is another link with facts about camel spiders:

If you would like to see more images of the nasty critters feel free to search google images. I am still in disbelief that i killed one. My family would be proud!

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