Saturday, September 19, 2009

Where I am living

Yesterday was a good day. We had a session in the morning with the Livelihood program director and then a review session of the things we had learned this week in sessions with Debbie from World Hope International. We had a little free time before lunch that i used to do some reading for class. Then after lunch it was more reading. Class was from 3:30-6 and we just discussed interesting topics from the chapters we had read. Dinner was at 7 and the cooks had prepared a big cook out for us. I had the most wonderful potato salad and grilled chicken. Then after dinner we all watched Miss Congeniality together. It was a good day all together.

Today was the first free day i have had since i got to Zambia. I got up at 7 to go running with several girls but didn't make it very far. It was still nice to get out and exercise though. Although now my calf muscles are killing me, especially after having cramps in both of them last night while i was sleeping. I took a quick shower after getting back and then had breakfast. After breakfast, we all had one group session together this morning from 8-10:30 with a woman who works as a nurse at Choma General Hospital and is currently working to get her Master's degree. She talked to us about working as a nurse in Zambia and then very graciously answered all of our many questions about health care in Zambia. Before lunch I went into town with 7 other girls and we just spent a little time walking around. I went to Spar, which is their main grocery store here, and i also stopped at the museum and craft centre to get a couple postcards to send home! When i got back from town i had lunch and then took a nap in the afternoon and did some more reading. it was a very warm day and a little hard to nap but i woke up feeling more refreshed than i was in the morning.

Lastly on this post i just want to give you a tour of my "home" for the next couple months through some pictures. Hope you enjoy them!

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