I got up this morning at 7:00. I had breakfast at 7:30 and was supposed to leave with my group at 8 and some people from WHIZ to go out today and distribute food to several different villages in the area. However, Maureen told us that there was some kind of emergency meeting with some of the WHIZ staff members that was going to delay our start to the food distribution. So the group of us that was supposed to go got out Phase 10 and played an entire game while we waited to leave. Normally i would be frustrated if I was supposed to leave at 8 to go somewhere and hadn't gone anywhere two hours later, but it's just different here and i've learned already in the short time i've been here to be flexible and go with the flow of things. I've learned to find things to do to make my time productive while i'm waiting to go to church or to town or out to the villages. So we finished our game and then around 11:30 we were told that we would not be able to go out to the villages today. I was kind of bummed because i had really been looking forward to going out and actually getting involved with the people here. Although my group was not told why the distribution had been postponed the WHIZ staff is looking into arranging things so that we will be able to go with them later this week on Thursday and Friday. I am praying that God will work everything out so that we will be able to go and share with the people.
I took a hour nap before lunch which really helped to refresh me after just sitting around all morning playing a game while we waited. Some of the girls had some interesting experiences with wild life today....no more snakes though!! Apparently there was a muskrat type animal in the superdorm and Alyssa Rogers was able to corner it and throw a sheet over it. She then took it outside and released it. Right after she released her and a few other girls who were outside looked over and there was a turkey flapping it's wings and sqwauking at them. It surprised them and they all screamed. A friend of Dave Waters', the missionary here, had brought it over to him today. Dave told us that the turkey will probably be a meal for us in the next couple days. It was interesting watching the turkey walk around on our porch. He came up to the door a couple times and the glass in the doors here is reflective so he would see himself in the window and then start hitting the window with his beak and calling. Our history professor let the turkey inside for a couple mins and it was so funny because its feet kept sliding out from underneath it on the tile floor. After a few mins our Prof shooed it back outside.
This afternoon we had our nursing classes from 3:30-6 and just went over a couple powerpoints. After dinner was my history class from 7-9. I wasn't too sure about this class when i signed up, but i think it will be really good and i will learn a lot from it. The Professor is also very nice and is being very flexible with all of the unexpected schedule changes that have come up already since she got here yesterday. Tomorrow we are suppposed to get out for a little bit and take a field trip for history class to the museum in Choma and the library. i am interested to see what their library is like here. I will fill you in tomorrow on whether we make it there or not. Basically i think the thing God has been teaching me this far in my trip is just to be flexible and not get frustrated or uptight when plans fall through and have to be moved around. Good night from Zambia!